Kari Trent Stageberg, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
For me, getting to work at StrongFamilies, and alongside my dad, is immensely personal.
At 20, I found myself trapped in an abusive relationship. Several years later, the Lord literally and physically rescued me. At that point, I surrendered my life to Christ, and He began the incredible work of healing and restoration in my life and family.
That brings us to today.
I believe that EVERYONE can experience that SAME restoration and healing – no matter what decisions you’ve made, or what life has thrown at you.
I believe that begins with a personal relationship with Christ, and from there, resources like The Blessing, LifeMapping, Coaching, and Webinars will help you discover the INCREDIBLE person you are – and the UNIQUE purpose only you have here on earth.
Helping Others:
I’ve had the incredible opportunity to:
- Be a featured Key Note Speaker at places like: AACC, Focus on the Family, Catherdral of Faith, One Church Marriage Getaway, WayFM Marriage Conference, Iran Alive, the Fatherhood CoMission, and more
- Partner with Focus on The Family to share my story of abuse and recovery
- Appear on podcasts and radio programs like: Moody Radio, Focus on the Family Broadcast,
- Collaborate with my Dad, and Gary Smalley on the NEW edition of The Blessing
- Start a fundraising consulting company, The Nonprofit Consulting Shop, which provides top-level fundraising training and resources to nonprofits

My Education
- Masters of Business Administration – Azusa Pacific University
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing – Azusa Pacific University – Go Cougs!
- Master Christian Life Coach - International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI)
- Emotionally Focused Therapy Externship - Certification
- Bobb Biehl’s Consulting Institute - Graduate
Best Selling Books
Contact Me
I can't wait to hear from you. Just fill out the form below, and let me know how I can help.
You can also connect with me at:
IG: @karitrentstageberg
FB: @officialkaritrentstageberg
Email: [email protected]
Web: KariTrentStageberg.com