As the school year is coming to an end, you may be looking for a way to celebrate and Bless your kid...
Hi, this is John Trent and I'd like to share with you two words that are incredibly important this C...
By John Trent, Ph.D.
Several years ago, a pastor friend recounted to me a pivotal time in his relat...
By John Trent, Ph.D.
Recently, I gave my wife a birthday present that I knew she would love. If th...
by: Dr. John Trent
I’ve had the great honor of writing books, blogs, and articles for years. I’ve a...
by. Dr. John Trent
There are so many incredible clinical studies coming out today that support some...
by: Dr. John Trent
For almost all of us, this lockdown feels unending. But in truth, the day is com...
By: Dr. John Trent
The year was 1944 and World War II was raging on two fronts. At the Allison engi...
By: Dr. John Trent
Recently, without realizing it, I crossed a milestone. 25,000 days on earth. (Ye...
I'm a counselor. And at times, I occasionally think, “I’ve seen it all.” That is until the next coup...
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